3 Ideas for a More Creative Office Design

3 Ideas for a More Creative Office Design

Executives and managers who believe that creative office design is merely an optional “nice-to-haves” should think again – because creative workspaces can reduce absenteeism and turnover, drive retention and efficiency, boost performance and productivity, and increase...

Office Design Factors that Affect Productivity

n today’s relentlessly competitive business landscape, finding smarter ways to increase employee productivity is not just a best practice. In the long run it makes the difference between success and survival. However, one aspect that is often overlooked by managers...

3 Office Design Questions to Ask Your Employees

When it comes to developing your office design plan, obviously you need to focus on aspects such as budgets, scheduling, logistics (e.g. maintaining operations during the renovation/construction or temporary re-allocating work to another site), permits and approvals...

Hot Desking Advantages and Disadvantages

One of the most innovative office design ideas in recent years is known as “hot desking.” No, this doesn’t involve desks mysteriously disappearing from one day to the next and showing up for sale on Craigslist. And for shivering employees who work in cold offices:...