Think Fluid
Just because an office isn’t symmetrical, doesn’t mean it can’t function smoothly. No matter what shape your workspace takes, take extra time to position related sections close to each other. Marketing could go next to sales, for example. You want to encourage collaboration –– and you can use a wacky layout to your advantage to (literally) put people in the best places to succeed.
Color Coordinate
Using vibrant, vivacious colors will not only serve to energize your staff, but it will also allow you to create a unique feel to every room in your workspace. If you work in a place where groups of people are separated by walls or other obstructions, accentuate the differences of the rooms in your design. And having a developed color pallette will help bring it all together.
Embrace Your Roots
As mentioned above, many companies occupy offices in buildings that used to have a different function. And you can use your building’s past to help inspire your future. Whether your old office used to be a fire station, a saloon, or a boarding house, incorporating design elements from yesteryear is a great way to creatively decorate your workspace. Plus, it will provide a fascinating talking point any time you bring in a client or visitor.
Function over Flair
At the end of the day, your office needs to be a place where good work can be done. So make it a priority to find a space that allows for that to happen. The modern employee is surprisingly adaptable, and as long as you treat your space with some TLC from time to time, you’ll be able to get the most out of your office.
Ask a Professional
At Key Interiors, we love unconventional workplace design. We’ve worked with companies across industries, and can help you optimize your office space. Contact us today and we’ll help you through every phase of a redesign: from concepts and financing, to implementation and furnishing. And if you’re still having trouble envisioning what your ideal office might look like then download our eBook to see what type of workspace will suit you best!