The average person spends an estimated 90,000 hours working in an office or behind a desk. To make that time more enjoyable, productive and profitable, it makes sense for companies to maximize the amenities available to the people they employ. Even something as small...
If you are planning to include a break room in your office design, then be assured that this is a smart decision. Indeed, far more than just “nice-to-haves,” break rooms are strategic investments that have been shown to improve employee productivity, quality,...
In ancient times — so we are talking before the 1990s or so — break rooms were standard office design features. True, some were better and bigger than others, but it was rare to work at or visit an office and not encounter a designated break room, usually stocked with...
Who says work can’t be fun? Progressive businesses have realized over the past few years that the way their employees think about their workspaces –– and their jobs –– varies greatly from professionals in the past. As such, a modern office needs to provide more than...
Let no one ever underestimate the power a good meal has to restore and invigorate a stressed-out employee. Indeed, whether we realize it or not, the way we choose to take our meals can have a big effect on our health, mood, and productivity. Given those facts, it’s...
It’s no surprise that modern professionals spend a lot of time at work. In fact, the average person will spend around 90,000 hours (over ten years) of their life at the office. Given that fact, it’s wise for business owners to create office environments that are...