designing patient first

Insight Behavioral Health

Learn how Key Interiors transformed this medical office space

Key Interiors recently partnered with Insight Behavioral Health to design and build an eating disorder clinic that seamlessly blends high-level psychiatric safety protocols with a warm, inviting atmosphere. Understanding the critical balance between patient safety and creating a comforting environment, Key Interiors worked closely with specialists to ensure every detail met stringent healthcare standards.

The project required incorporating essential safety features such as anti-ligature hardware and controlled site access, ingress, and egress points. Despite these rigorous requirements, Key Interiors maintained a residential feel throughout the clinic, fostering a sense of comfort and security for patients.

Given the clinic’s focus on eating issues, the design featured a practical yet aesthetically pleasing kitchen. This space was meticulously crafted to support therapeutic activities while contributing to the homely ambiance of the facility.

The Insight Behavioral Health project highlights Key Interiors’ expertise in healthcare design, demonstrating their ability to create safe, functional, and welcoming environments that cater to both clinical needs and patients’ well-being.

Project Showcase

Insight behavioral Health: A Visual Journey

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