An office design can be efficient in several different ways. The first, and perhaps the most obvious, is how well a design suits a given space. Modern offices in particular tend to maximize the available real estate a company has at its disposal. Small office areas require designers to be innovative in order to get the most out of a given workspace. In addition, efficiency may also refer to how quickly a design company can complete a renovation project. Lastly, business owners typically desire office redesigns to accomplish multiple goals at once to save money. To recap, contemporary offices are often efficient in their use of space, time, and capital.
Color can influence mood and energy levels. It’s no real surprise then to see lots of bright and vibrant colors on the walls, floors, and ceilings of modern offices. What’s more, many business owners like to incorporate their brand’s color scheme throughout their office design as well. The days of beige, gray, and tan office areas are well and truly behind us.
Slowly, business leaders have come around to the concept of creating office spaces that mirror domestic interiors. That’s why many new office spaces include areas like libraries, fully-stocked kitchens, and break rooms complete with video-game systems and TVs. Comfortable office environments fill two crucial needs. First, they serve to impress anyone who visits a business. So prospective clients and employees are sure to take note and delight in such amenities. What’s more, though, a relaxed, laid-back work atmosphere is also conducive to high employee productivity. Which leads us to our last point . . .
Above all else current office design trends revolve around the needs and preferences of employees. This means that contemporary offices can differ greatly from business-to-business, industry-to-industry. It’s a wise choice for business owners to consult with their team before undertaking an office renovation. After all, adopting an open office design when your team actually requires more privacy, for instance, is a big mistake that could end up costing you thousands. While it can be difficult to draw universal conclusions from contemporary design concepts, the one unifying theme relates to boosting employee performance.
The Bottom Line
An office redesign is a big investment, but it can pay huge dividends when handled correctly. At Key Interiors, we work closely with our partners to ensure that every project we take ends with success. We have years of industry experience and can help businesses operating in a myriad of different spaces. Contact us today to get started. Or, to see if one of the most popular workspace concepts is right for you, check out our eBook on open office design by clicking here.